As the world is engulfed by an increasing number of people, so is the pressure to come up with better ways of utilizing the existing resources without exhausting them over the years. From growing adverse effects of climate change in cities to enhanced energy demands, striking a balance between human developments and the available resources of planet earth calls for creative designs and innovative solutions.
With the increasing urban population, there are both benefits and losses. Cities are a good source of economic growth and investment, but if cities are not planned in advance, sprawling urban development will result in excessive wastage of infrastructure, encroachment on green areas and increased pollution. Urban growth management, such as new urban spearheads and green quantum leaps, aids in the development of cities, not simply the enhancing of its waistlines.
However, the strain on the energy networks can also be attributed to the increasing number of civilians. Meeting these demands by utilizing sources such as solar power, wind power and hydropower hence the renewable sources of energy while minimizing the wear and tear of the natural resources and also the furthering of global warming becomes imperative. Further, the importance of energy efficiency in reducing the consumption of electric power remains relevant since it will help ease the pressure on the electricity supply system as well as on the ecosystem.
The even more intricate puzzle is how to find a balance in the sharing of these resources. While there are areas that are under resource apartheid, there are some that are overconsuming. To reverse the negative consequences of this, the entire world must come together to be able to provide these resources to regions that are susceptible to such conditions, such as water, energy and food.
The increase in population is bound to put a lot of stress on the resources of the planet but this should not be the case if there are policies in place geared towards the sustainable management of resources. With rational urban design, commitment to green energy development, and social justice in governance, it is possible to envision a world in which growth goes hand in hand with sustainability so that everyone can thrive within the means of the planet.